Friday, February 16, 2007


Aries (the Ram) March 21st - April 20thAries is the first sign of the zodiac, represented as the Ram. In the myth of the golden fleece, the ram was given by Nephele to Phrixus and Helle. To escape the wrath of Hera, the pair fled across the sea on the back of the ram. Helle fell off and was drowned, giving her name to the Hellespont, but Phrixus arrived safely in Colchis. There he sacrificed the ram to Zeus who placed it in the constellations.

Primal energy. Self assertiveness. Daring and initiative. Enterprise and adventure.
Soldiers, Pioneers, Adventurers, Metal-workers, Butchers, Gangsters.
People born in Aries usually enjoy robust bodily health but can be highly-strung and may suffer from headaches, toothaches and unexplained neuralgia around the jaws. Aries individuals who like to "stick their heads above the parapet", are also susceptible to head injuries. They have to grin and bear it.
In This Sign
Hans Christian Anderson, Otto von Bismarck, Robert Bunsen, Charlemagne, Sir John Gielgud, Adolf Hitler, Thomas Jefferson, Lord Lister, Arturo Toscanini, F. W. Woolworth.
The Sanskrit name for this month is Mesha - the Ram

Aries Compatibility

March 21 – April 21 Most Compatible With: Leo and Sagittarius Somewhat Compatible With : Taurus, Gemini, Pisces and Aquarius Least Compatible With: Cancer. Cancerians are too sensitive and too emotional for this warriorLibra - The Libra Personality proves to be vacillating, lacks imagination, fun and daring Capricorn. To Aries, this sign is comes across as unimaginative and much too conservative Neutral: Virgo and Scorpio

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