Friday, February 16, 2007


Aquarius (the Water Bearer) January 21st - February 19thAquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac, represented by a young man bearing either a pitcher of water or a cup. The young man is Ganymedes, son of Tros who gave his name to Troy. Zeus took a fancy to Ganymedes and took him to be the cup bearer to the gods, previously the duty of Hera's daughter, Hebe. Hera's pique at this insult to her daughter annoyed Zeus who set Ganymedes in the sky as Aquarius.

Humanitarian and altruistic. Communal, socialistic and progressive. Idealistic and utopian. Detached, romantic and dreamy.
Social-reformers, Inventors, Scientists, Charity-organizers.
Aquarians tend to suffer from a weak constitution and are most notably troubled by weak eyes. They may have a poor circulation which manifests itself in leg and ankle problems. Often, the nature of their careers puts great demands on their eyesight and their time but they should never miss an appointment at the optician's.
In This Sign
Robert Burns, Lord Byron, Nicolas Copernicus, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, Thomas Alva Edison, General Gordon, Sir Henry Irving, Abraham Lincoln, Somerset Maugham, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, F.D.Roosevelt, Franz Peter Schubert, Kaiser Wilhelm II.
The Sanskrit name for this month is Khumba - the Water-Pot

Aquarius Compatibility
January 21 – February 21 Most Compatible With: Gemini and Libra Somewhat Compatible With: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces and Aries Least: Taurus is considered to be very habit oriented Leo is seen as much too demanding Scorpio tendency to be too possessive not attractiveNeutral: Cancer and Virgo

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