Friday, February 16, 2007


Cancer (the Crab) June 22nd - July 22ndCancer is the 4th sign of the zodiac, represented by the Greeks as a Crab. It is the enormous creature which the goddess Hera sent from the swamp against Herakles during his battle with the Lernaean Hydra, his second labour. The crab nipped his foot and he stamped on it, crushing it beneath his heel, whereupon Hera set it in the zodiac as one of the twelve signs. The story is a strange echo of that involving the other zodiacal creature with claws - Scorpio. The Greek year began in Cancer, on the new moon after the Summer Solstice, and the story is of each new year following on the heels of the old.

Fertility. Motherliness. Archetypal. Protective.
Genealogists, Gardners, Milkmen, Publicans.
Anyone born under the sign of Cancer is almost certain to suffer often from gastric troubles and those who don't should think themselves very lucky. Regard to the diet is important and shellfish should be kept off the menu. Later life could be troubled with pleurisy and dropsy unless a regime of regular exercise has been followed.
In This Sign
John Quincy Adams, Phineas T. Barnum, James Cagney, Mary Baker Eddy, Christoph Wilibald Gluck, Sir H. Rider Haggard, James I & VI, Joshua Reynolds, Cecil Rhodes, John D. Rockefeller, Ferdinand von Zeppelin.
The Sanskrit name for this month is Karkataka - the Crab

Cancer Compatibility

June 21 – July 21 Most Compatible With: Scorpio and Pisces Somewhat Compatible With: Leo, Virgo, Taurus and Gemini Least Compatible With: Aries - too insensitive, aggressive and arrogant Libra - does not take matters not seriously enough Capricorn - too simple, and very unrefined Neutral: Sagittarius and Aquarius

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