Friday, February 16, 2007


Scorpio (the Scorpion) October 24th - November 22ndScorpio is the 8th sign of the zodiac, represented by a Scorpion. Until separated by Libra, the scorpion stung the heels of Virgo at the Autumnal Equinox, while she crushed it underfoot. Scorpio is the Serpent in Genesis. In Greek myth, it was placed in the zodiac by Hera as reward for killing Orion the Hunter. The story is similar to the Greek new-year tale of Cancer and its roots go back through Jewish myth to the Babylonian legend of the hero, Gilgamesh, when the new year began at the Autumnal Equinox.

Metaphysical. Destructive and regenerative. Passionate and violent. Insightful and profound. Occult.
Magicians, Astrologers, Alchemists, Surgeons, Undertakers.
People born under Scorpio are quite often strong-bodied and enjoy good health throughout their entire life. Conversely, some may begin life quite slightly built and these individuals do have a tendency to put on a great deal of weight in later life. Their weakest parts in youth are the genitals, but in later life it is the heart which should concern them most. Scorpio people should be wary of putting too much effort into any form of exercise or endeavour.
In This Sign
Marie Antoinette, Charles I, Captain James Cook, Marie Curie, Charles de Gaulle, Billy Graham, Edmond Halley, Sir William Herschel, William Hogarth, Field-Marshal Montgomery, Pablo Picasso.
The Sanskrit name for this month is Vrischika - the Scorpion

Scorpio Compatibility
October 21 – November 21 Most Compatible With: Pisces and Cancer Somewhat Compatible With: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Virgo and Libra Least Compatible With: Aquarius who is seen as detached and impersonal Taurus - there is a clash of wills hereLeo - usually has tendency to be overly dramatic and arrogant Neutral: Aries and Gemini


Pisces (the Fishes) February 20th - March 20thPisces is the 12th and last sign of the zodiac, represented by two fishes. The Greek myth, echoing that of Capricorn, tells how the erotic love gods, Eros and Aphrodite, were turned into fishes when they leapt into water to escape the wrath of the storm god Typhon. The usual images of Pisces show the two fishes head to tail, like the oriental yin-yang symbol, to emphasise the male and female aspects. This hides the true constellation image of fish tied by their tails and hanging like plumb lines divided by the square of Pegasus - seen by the Babylonians as the Ark of the Deluge.

Emotionally receptive. Self-sacrificial. Impressionable and indiscriminative. Vague, sensitive and psychic.
Poets Mystics Social-workers Physicists Prison-guards
Pisceans tend to suffer from insomnia and nerves. This tendency can result in digestive and minor intestinal difficulties which in turn often cause boils, ulcers and other skin problems. Early nights preceded by relaxing forms of exercise, rather than diet or medication, is usually the most effective treatment.
In This Sign
Lord Baden-Powell, Alexander Graham Bell, Elizabeth Barret Browning, Enrico Caruso, Frédéric Chopin, William Frederick "Buffalo Bill" Cody, Albert Einstein, George Frederick Handel, Henrik Ibsen, David Livingstone, David Niven, Samuel Pepys, François Marie Arouet Voltaire, George Washington.
The Sanskrit name for this month is Mina - the Fishes

Pisces Compatibility
February 21 – March 21 Most Compatible With: Cancer and Scorpio Somewhat Compatible With: Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries and Taurus Least Compatible With: Gemini who is too nervous and high strung Virgo considered to be dull and uninterestingSagittarius is looked upon as being too impulsive Neutral: Leo and Libra


Aquarius (the Water Bearer) January 21st - February 19thAquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac, represented by a young man bearing either a pitcher of water or a cup. The young man is Ganymedes, son of Tros who gave his name to Troy. Zeus took a fancy to Ganymedes and took him to be the cup bearer to the gods, previously the duty of Hera's daughter, Hebe. Hera's pique at this insult to her daughter annoyed Zeus who set Ganymedes in the sky as Aquarius.

Humanitarian and altruistic. Communal, socialistic and progressive. Idealistic and utopian. Detached, romantic and dreamy.
Social-reformers, Inventors, Scientists, Charity-organizers.
Aquarians tend to suffer from a weak constitution and are most notably troubled by weak eyes. They may have a poor circulation which manifests itself in leg and ankle problems. Often, the nature of their careers puts great demands on their eyesight and their time but they should never miss an appointment at the optician's.
In This Sign
Robert Burns, Lord Byron, Nicolas Copernicus, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, Thomas Alva Edison, General Gordon, Sir Henry Irving, Abraham Lincoln, Somerset Maugham, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, F.D.Roosevelt, Franz Peter Schubert, Kaiser Wilhelm II.
The Sanskrit name for this month is Khumba - the Water-Pot

Aquarius Compatibility
January 21 – February 21 Most Compatible With: Gemini and Libra Somewhat Compatible With: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces and Aries Least: Taurus is considered to be very habit oriented Leo is seen as much too demanding Scorpio tendency to be too possessive not attractiveNeutral: Cancer and Virgo


Capricorn (the Goat) December 22nd - January 20thCapricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac, represented by a Goat with crooked horns and the hind parts of a Fish. The goat is Pan, the lusty and licentious god normally portrayed as a bearded, curly-haired human with legs, tail and horns of a goat. On plunging into the Nile to escape from the mighty Typhon, the father of dangerous winds, his upper part became wholly goat but the submerged parts changed into those of a fish. The story is remarkably like that of Pisces.

Organising and constructive. Authoritative and serious. Repressive. Materialistic.
Bankers, Businessmen, Brewers, Miners, Engineers, Landlords.
Capricornians are generally subject to ill health and have a tendency to depression, skin disorders, indigestion, rheumatism and pains in the legs and feet. Keeping warm and dry is very important to those born in Capricorn. If at all possible, birthdays should be celebrated whilst holidaying in the sun.
In This Sign
Joan of Arc, Bonnie Prince Charlie, Marlene Dietrich, Benjamin Franklin, William Gladstone, Herman Goering, Rudyard Kipling, Robert E. Lee, Sir Isaac Newton, Edgar Allan Poe.
The Sanskrit name for this month is Makara - the Sea Monster

Capricorn Compatibility
December 21 – January 21 Most Compatible With: Taurus and Virgo Somewhat Compatible With: Aquarius, Pisces, Scorpio and Sagittarius Least Compatible With: Aries who is not admired for his impulsive, erratic natureCancer - finds this personality sad and depressing Libra - seen as being not only dramatic but lacks sincerity Neutral: Gemini and Leo


Sagittarius (the Archer) November 23rd - December 21stSagittarius is the 9th sign of the zodiac, represented as a Centaur loosing an arrow. The Centaur is Crotus, the son of Pan and Eupheme who was nurse to the Muses. Sagittarian Crotus is often confused with the famous Cheiron, king of the Centaurs and tutor to Apollo's son, Asclepius, the god of healing, but Cheiron's constellation is Centaurus - although Centaurus is sometimes thought to be Pholus, the son of Pan-like Silenus and a wood nymph.

Expanded consciousness. Philosophical. Religious. Expansive and extravagant. Independent.
Philosophers, Psychologists, Clergy, Humorists, Athletes.
Sciatica and rheumatism, especially of the hips and thighs, is the bugbear of many Sagittarians. They tend also to be highly strung and this can lead to nervous problems in middle age - perhaps as they realise that, despite all their finer thoughts, their bodies age and the world gets no better. The best remedy is perhaps an understanding and more pragmatic partner.
In This Sign
Louisa M. Alcott, Ludwig van Beethoven, Maria Callas, Thomas Carlyle, Sir Winston Churchill, Joseph Conrad, Noel Coward, General George Custer, Grace Darling, Boris Karloff, John Milton, Frank Sinatra, Mark Twain.
The Sanskrit name for this month isDhanus - the Bow

Sagittarius Compatibility
November – December 21 Most Compatible With: Aries and Leo Somewhat Compatible With: Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra and Scorpio Least Compatible With: Pisces is seen as being too introverted Gemini appears to be scattered and lacking in perceptible depth Virgo is seen as narrow-minded and too fussy Neutral: Taurus and Cancer


Libra (the Scales) September 24th - October 23rdLibra is the 7th sign of the zodiac and is remarkable for being the only one not represented by a living creature. Early zodiacs did not recognise the sign for it was only created in Roman times to separate and maintain the balance between the Virgo - Scorpio pair who are, according to Genesis, Eve crushing the Serpent's head and the Serpent, or Scorpion, striking at the Virgin's heel - a story with its basis in the turn of the year at the new moon following the Autumnal Equinox.

Metaphysical. Destructive and regenerative. Passionate and violent. Insightful and profound. Occult.
Magicians, Astrologers, Alchemists, Surgeons, Undertakers.
People born under Scorpio are quite often strong-bodied and enjoy good health throughout their entire life. Conversely, some may begin life quite slightly built and these individuals do have a tendency to put on a great deal of weight in later life. Their weakest parts in youth are the genitals, but in later life it is the heart which should concern them most. Scorpio people should be wary of putting too much effort into any form of exercise or endeavour.
In This Sign
Marie Antoinette, Charles I, Captain James Cook, Marie Curie, Charles de Gaulle, Billy Graham, Edmond Halley, Sir William Herschel, William Hogarth, Field-Marshal Montgomery, Pablo Picasso.
The Sanskrit name for this month isVrischika - the Scorpion

Libra Compatibility
September 21 – October 21 Most Compatible With: Aquarius and Gemini Somewhat Compatible With: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo and Virgo Least Compatible With: Aries - very domineering and too impatient Capricorn - lacks any imagination, ordinary, dull personalityCancer - has tendency to become overly protective Neutral: Pisces and Taurus


Virgo (the Virgin) August 24th - September 23rdVirgo is the 6th sign of the zodiac, represented by the Greeks as a Virgin or 'maid'. Hesiod thought her the daughter of Jupiter and Themis, the Arcadian nymph whom the Romans and later Greeks associated with Libra, but that is just gossip - the Virgin may be Iustia, the daughter of Astraeus and Ancora, or Erigone, the daughter of Icarus, or even Apollo's daughter, Parthene, whose name means 'virgin'. She is Eve in Genesis who originally crushed the head of the Serpent, Scorpio.

Discrimination. Discretion. Conservativeness. Practical intelligence. Attention to detail. Hygiene conscious.
Craftsmen, Doctors, Dentists, Servants, Statisticians.
Virgoans are the most complex group in terms of their health. Continually worrying that they suffer from every problem in the medical dictionary, they nevertheless sometimes appear magically immune to the diseases and infections all around them. Their weakest part is the bowels and a chronic pattern of intestinal problems often severely affects Virgoans who are not at ease with their lives. All Virgoans should abjure spicy foods and alcohol. Most of their suffering can be alleviated by spending as much time as possible walking or cycling in the countryside.
In This Sign
Prince Albert, Julius Caesar, Chateaubriand, James Fenimore Cooper, Elizabeth I, Greta Garbo, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Bonar Law, Sophia Loren, Peter Sellers, Leo Tolstoy.
The Sanskrit name for this month is Kanya - the Maiden

Virgo Compatibility
August 21 – September 21 Most Compatible With: Capricorn and Taurus Somewhat Compatible With: Libra, Scorpio, Leo and Cancer Least Compatible With: Sagittarius - seen as unreliable and unresponsive Pisces - gloomy, sullen, moody dispositionGemini - impractical, inconsistent, too whimsicalNeutral: Aquarius and Aries


Leo (the Lion) July 23rd - August 23rdLeo is the 5th sign of the zodiac, represented by the Greeks as a Lion, specifically the terrible Nemean Lion which had a skin no weapon could penetrate and which had depopulated Nemea. As the first of his labours, Herakles strangled the lion, though losing a finger to it in the struggle, and thereafter used its skin as armour and its head as an helmet. Zeus raised the lion to the heavens in honour of Herakles.

Self assertive. Playful. Sexual and loving. Pleasure seeking. Chance taking. Athletic.
Actors, Athletes, Rulers, Gamblers.
Despite their often strong, athletic build and character, Leonians should watch carefully for any signs of chest pains or palpitations. Perhaps their lifestyle does put too much strain on their hearts but their character prevents them from paying any heed when young. Sight can also be affected in later years.
In This Sign
Neil Armstrong, Balfour, Napoleon Bonaparte, the Alexandres Dumas (father and son), Alexander Fleming, Henry Ford, Herbert Hoover, Louis XVI, Henry Moore, Benito Mussolini, George Bernard Shaw.
The Sanskrit name for this month is Simha - the Lion

Leo Compatibility
July 21 – August 21 Most Compatible With: Sagittarius and Aries Somewhat Compatible With: Virgo, Libra, Gemini and Cancer Least Compatible With: Scorpio - seen as being too scheming Aquarius - unsubstantial, unengaged and aloofTaurus - either too stubborn or too placid Neutral: Pisces and Capricorn


Cancer (the Crab) June 22nd - July 22ndCancer is the 4th sign of the zodiac, represented by the Greeks as a Crab. It is the enormous creature which the goddess Hera sent from the swamp against Herakles during his battle with the Lernaean Hydra, his second labour. The crab nipped his foot and he stamped on it, crushing it beneath his heel, whereupon Hera set it in the zodiac as one of the twelve signs. The story is a strange echo of that involving the other zodiacal creature with claws - Scorpio. The Greek year began in Cancer, on the new moon after the Summer Solstice, and the story is of each new year following on the heels of the old.

Fertility. Motherliness. Archetypal. Protective.
Genealogists, Gardners, Milkmen, Publicans.
Anyone born under the sign of Cancer is almost certain to suffer often from gastric troubles and those who don't should think themselves very lucky. Regard to the diet is important and shellfish should be kept off the menu. Later life could be troubled with pleurisy and dropsy unless a regime of regular exercise has been followed.
In This Sign
John Quincy Adams, Phineas T. Barnum, James Cagney, Mary Baker Eddy, Christoph Wilibald Gluck, Sir H. Rider Haggard, James I & VI, Joshua Reynolds, Cecil Rhodes, John D. Rockefeller, Ferdinand von Zeppelin.
The Sanskrit name for this month is Karkataka - the Crab

Cancer Compatibility

June 21 – July 21 Most Compatible With: Scorpio and Pisces Somewhat Compatible With: Leo, Virgo, Taurus and Gemini Least Compatible With: Aries - too insensitive, aggressive and arrogant Libra - does not take matters not seriously enough Capricorn - too simple, and very unrefined Neutral: Sagittarius and Aquarius


Gemini is the 3rd sign of the zodiac, represented by the Greeks as two children, although the Egyptians thought of it as two kids and the Arabs as two peacocks. The Greek twins are usually Castor and Pollux (the Latinised form of the original Greek, Polydeukes). They may be Herakles and Apollo or the pair connected with Demeter: Triptolemus (the 'thrice-daring' herdsman) and Iasion (struck dead by Zeus for consorting with Demeter in a 'thrice ploughed' field).

Dualistic. Instinctual mind. Facile intelligence. Dexterity. Mimicry.
Musicians, Journalists, Clerks, Authors.
Gemineans should guard their health jealously as it easily suffers under even the least strain. The most likely illnesses in such circumstances are bronchitis, pneumonia and other chest problems. Gemini people who feel unwell must never delay seeing the doctor because of work pressures.
In This Sign
Charles II, Jefferson Davis, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Edward Elgar, Ralph Waldo Emerson, George III, Charles François Gounod, Thomas Hardy, J. F. Kennedy, Sir Laurence Olivier, Queen Victoria, Richard Wagner, Walt Whitman, Brigham Young.
The Sanskrit name for this month is Mithuna - the Pair

Gemini Compatibility

May 21 – June 21 Most Compatible With: Libra and Aquarius Somewhat Compatible With: Cancer, Leo, Aries and Taurus Least Compatible With: Virgo personality is seen as quite strict and hard to satisfy Sagittarius - unable to relax, like yourself Pisces - thought to have negative outlooks in addition to being self-absorbed Neutral: Scorpio and Capricorn


Taurus (the Bull) April 21st - May 21stTaurus is the 2nd sign of the zodiac, represented as the fore part of a bull. It is the snow white Bull which took Europe across the sea to Crete. The bull was Zeus in disguise and Europe bore him three children - Minos, Rhadamanthys and Sarpedon. Minos became king of Crete and his queen, Pasiphaë, gave birth to a bull-headed son called the Minotaur which was later slain by Theseus in the Labyrinth. Some say that Taurus is a later Cretan bull that was slain by Herakles.

Pure substance. Passive force. Stewardship. Physical Beauty. Luxury. Agriculture. Pragmatism. Possession.
Farmers, Artists, Super-Models, Financiers, Jewellers.
Taureans usually enjoy splendid health throughout their lives but if not, it is usually the nasal tract and lungs which suffer from repeated infections. More time spent outdoors in dry, mountainous regions is probably the best advice in this case.
In This Sign
Johannes Brahms, Robert Browning, Oliver Cromwell, Alphonse Daudet, Margot Fonteyn, Sigmund Freud, Franz Joseph Haydn, Yehudi Menuhin, William Shakespeare, Sir Arthur Sullivan, Harry S. Truman, Duke of Wellington.
The Sanskrit name for this month isVrishabha - the Bull

Taurus Compatibility
April 21 – May 21 Most Compatible With: Virgo and Capricorn Somewhat Compatible With: Gemini, Cancer, Pisces and Aries Least Compatible With: Aquarius who lacks the stability that Taurus needsLeo, always self-absorbed, and very authoritative, traits which directly conflict with TaurusScorpio - manipulative, not open and certainly not direct Neutral: Libra and Sagittarius


Aries (the Ram) March 21st - April 20thAries is the first sign of the zodiac, represented as the Ram. In the myth of the golden fleece, the ram was given by Nephele to Phrixus and Helle. To escape the wrath of Hera, the pair fled across the sea on the back of the ram. Helle fell off and was drowned, giving her name to the Hellespont, but Phrixus arrived safely in Colchis. There he sacrificed the ram to Zeus who placed it in the constellations.

Primal energy. Self assertiveness. Daring and initiative. Enterprise and adventure.
Soldiers, Pioneers, Adventurers, Metal-workers, Butchers, Gangsters.
People born in Aries usually enjoy robust bodily health but can be highly-strung and may suffer from headaches, toothaches and unexplained neuralgia around the jaws. Aries individuals who like to "stick their heads above the parapet", are also susceptible to head injuries. They have to grin and bear it.
In This Sign
Hans Christian Anderson, Otto von Bismarck, Robert Bunsen, Charlemagne, Sir John Gielgud, Adolf Hitler, Thomas Jefferson, Lord Lister, Arturo Toscanini, F. W. Woolworth.
The Sanskrit name for this month is Mesha - the Ram

Aries Compatibility

March 21 – April 21 Most Compatible With: Leo and Sagittarius Somewhat Compatible With : Taurus, Gemini, Pisces and Aquarius Least Compatible With: Cancer. Cancerians are too sensitive and too emotional for this warriorLibra - The Libra Personality proves to be vacillating, lacks imagination, fun and daring Capricorn. To Aries, this sign is comes across as unimaginative and much too conservative Neutral: Virgo and Scorpio